Get 1:1 Help Starting & Scaling Your High Ticket Business

(For Coaches, Consultants, Agencies OR DWY, DFY, DIY Offers)

OR Any Professional Who Wants To Sell High Ticket Services Remotely

Learn Exactly How I Went From a Local Service Based Business To Helping Other Owners Duplicate The Business Model, While Charging 8k Plus Per Client...

This is for all professionals who want to sell there skills as a high ticket service

Case Study From Our Top Client @patricksztenc

Patrick, went from only doing ecommerce, to Growing His Ecommerce Mentorship (DWY Offer) Business To Over 100k/month.

You Will Work 1:1 With Rick (@purpzila)

Rick started his entrepreneur journey in 2016, failed for 8 months with ecom/fba and then started as a commercial cleaning business in 2017 after wasting 5 years being a cleaner & 2 years in college for BA Supply Chain. Rick grew his service business to 7 figures in 3 years, and in 2019, one of Rick's mentors was friends with Alex Hormozi who was scaling Gymlaunch to 30m per year and gave the idea to Rick who then decided to do the same model with his industry and created @cleaninglaunch to help other owners grow their own commercial cleaning business A-Z, which scaled to millions in revenue in high ticket sales by using a social funnel and lead nurturing system because he realized that if you do not nurture your leads, you will waste hours on the phone convincing people who wont buy. In 2021 Rick bought his dream car and as a hobby grew to over 600k followers combined for his accounts @purpzila and understood the value of generating over 100m views, but the views are useless if you do not bring them into your eco-system and nurture them into a high ticket offer. Took a 2 year break from social media in order to scale cleaning launch even further but Rick was tired of only influencing one niche, Rick wanted to help more people and in 2024 he started Growmysystem so others can start/scale their own remote high ticket business... By working together, you will get the same systems, copy/paste processes and sops that helped scaled @cleaninglaunch to millions.

What's Included When You Join

Live Coaching Calls Every Week

Complete A-Z Program

Completed GHL CRM Template

Multiple 7-8 Figure Flow Systems

Yearly In-Person Events Invite

SOP's & Copy/Paste IP

Community Mastermind Group

Lifetime Access + Ongoing IP/Value

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Our price is 5k USD right now, but the price will gradually go up to 16k as we get more case studies, apply now to secure your spot and get lifetime access.